Frequently asked questions

  1. Frequently asked questions

    Returns & Refunds

    How can I return the goods? How many days do I have to return the goods? How long does it take to transfer money to an account?

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  2. Frequently asked questions

    An order

    How can I order? Can I order abroad? Can I cancel my order if it has not already been shipped?

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  3. Frequently asked questions


    What should I do if I want to claim the goods? How fast does it take to process a complaint?

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  4. Frequently asked questions

    Order delivery

    What is the delivery time? What is the mode of transport? Can I pay in cash when receiving the package?

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  5. Frequently asked questions

    Payment options

    What types of payments are available? Can I get an invoice in my company name? Will I receive a confirmation of payment?

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